1/2 acre pond package: 350 2-4" Bluegill 175 2-4" Shell-cracker 50 2-4" Bass 50 4-6" catfish 5 pounds Minnows $550.00
Button text 1/2 acre pond package:3/4 acre pond package: 450 2-4" Bluegill 200 2-4" Shell-cracker 75 2-4" Bass 75 4-6" catfish 7.5 pounds of Minnows Total $675.00
Button text 3/4 acre pond package:One acre pond package : 700 2-4' Bluegill 300 2-4" shell-cracker 100 2-4" Bass 100 4-6" catfish 10 pounds Minnows Total $920.00
Button text One acre pond package :Retail or wholesale Carolina Fish Hatchery offers retail or wholesale depending on the volume being purchased,
Button text Retail or wholesale